We’ve all come across “believers” in our day-to-day lives. Some of you probably have family or friends who believe aliens visit our pale blue dot on a regular basis. Some even go as-far-as to say that various governments from around the world are working in secret with extra terrestrials to advance their own agenda. So let’s take a few minutes to explore these possibilities. The idea has all the earmarks of a conspiracy theory*, but offers no explanation as to why the aliens would go along with such a thing. Any civilization that could travel a minimum of 4 light years to get here would be no respecter of regional governments. I also don't believe they'd be coming to acquire any resources, so there'd be no need for contracts with suppliers for material (i.e. "unobtanium" a la Avatar). There are no gaps in the periodic table and no element would be easier to get by traveling to another star system. If you didn't have enough of a certain rare material, it would still be easier to make it one atom at a time in a particle accelerator, or nuclear reactor, than traverse the cosmos looking for a place to mine it. I’d suggest a similar answer to the using-humans-as-slave-labor theory as well. They would have mastered robotics and AI to be sure. No, if they came at all, extraterrestrials would come for cultural reasons. They'd be eager to talk to the best authors, musicians, poets and even scientists (to understand our current level of knowledge). As far as I know, most of those people wouldn't agree to keeping that secret, even when asked by their local governments. Finally, secrets are harder to keep than most people seem to think. I remember a panel I attended at Dragon Con a few years ago where a fellow had taken his telescope/clock drive and attached it to his computer. He used it to take and make enhanced images of the space shuttle docked at the International Space Station. He then published pictures of it on his website. The "guys in the black suits" (AKA the FBI) came knocking on his door. He said they were incredibly polite and even cordial about it. They simply said that they had no idea that a private citizen could develop that kind of capability and wanted to know how he did it. They made it clear he'd broken no laws. They were simply impressed and wanted to know how easy it would be for other governments to do the same thing. If the star ship Enterprise were in orbit over the earth, some backyard astronomer or asteroid hunter would stumble upon it. And then of course, there's Edward Snowden. It's simply a secret that is too big. No government could keep for 50 years. #AskDrBen *http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-conspiracy-theory-director/
Some Guy from ECPI
6/18/2019 08:41:32
What about human-like aliens who just want to prey on a weaker civilization for pleasure, not so much culture? What if what they were here for was us? To enjoy us like an amusement park? Wouldn't it behoove them to keep that secret so that they could enjoy earth in it's natural state.
The same dude from ECPI
6/19/2019 04:56:14
You can look at human societies now, who have advanced a very long way, and still see some really awful barbarism. Who is to say if they have the same morality that we do. Without a supreme being that would issue rules in the form of morality commandments all morality is subjective anyways. I would think alien beings wouldn't be subjected to the same rules or thoughts on morality.
Bret Roseberry
6/24/2019 12:45:11
Really, so you think our morality comes from a supreme being? There were 5 different societies with codified laws before anybody had heard of a "christian" god or a Muslim allah. That in and of itself shows morality. In fact 3 of those societies outlawed rape and slavery, something the "christian" religions' Bible not only doesn't condemn but actually condones. So please don't equate my morality with some fictitious god. I have more morals in my pinky than any present day god has in his entire being
Um, WTF Bret?
6/25/2019 10:04:45
What in the name of the all powerful Flying Spaghetti Monster are you talking about Bret? This is an article about aliens visiting earth and wether a society would be able to keep it a secret. 🤦🏻♂️🙄😆
Concerned ECPI Student
6/26/2019 04:58:16
Bret, you've missed the point entirely. All morality is subjective if there is no God. I'm not espousing a doctrine of belief, just stating a fact. For every culture that believed in "good morals" there were plenty that did not. Aliens, if they exist, might not care about our morals, but instead have their own, and might see us as cattle.
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